Some thoughts on surviving Hurricane Ian

3 min readOct 1, 2022

The things you learn when you can lose everything

If I’ve been missed (apologies), it’s because Hurricane Ian took out our fence, our HVAC, my garden, tap water and our WiFi. We were lucky.

Our lives are mostly intact, despite hurricane force winds, slamming rain, and forced dopamine withdrawal. The house held, the shutters worked, the sandbags weren’t needed and we still have food.

We feel so fortunate and grateful.

After the storm, our neighbors helped take the fence down. A giant plate of sausages and barbecued chicken appeared. And the sun came out after days of thunder and ruin. It was as if nothing happened.

It’s kind of amazing the way nature simply continues even when we can’t. During the storm I spotted four Sandhill Cranes strutting in the rain, hunkering down, fluffing themselves as the squalls gusted past, simply ignoring the storm as we huddled inside.

They went about their lives— even as around us everything we worked for, everything we owned stood at risk. Our home insurance is shaky. Our possessions are ours only as long as nature doesn’t require them, even if it’s just to toss them into broken piles and soak them.




Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: