
Seriously, What’s Up with Medium’s Earnings?

Is it just me or are they collapsing all over again?

6 min readNov 3, 2024


Screenshot by Author

I don’t write for Medium to make money, I write because I’m a writer. I enjoy writing. I’m not a celebrity or anything, just an old fart whittling away the remaining moments of my life here with everyone else that enjoys reading and engaging with others.

There’s a social aspect to Medium that draws us here isn’t there? To hang out, read from our online friends, enjoy some poetry and stories and maybe learn a thing or two.

But when I look at my stats I see half of my engagement is simply not there. 200 people viewed my articles and a little more than half of them actually read them.

Since Medium reduces earnings when people view but decline to read, it literally reduces any money I might have earned for those articles on that day.

Here’s what that translates into for the newbies amongst us:

Screengrab by author

I ‘earned’ a grand total of $2.75 for the same period.

The Challenge:




Written by 🌬️Mitch

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: lacks@mail.com.

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