What do Toilet Paper, Tampons and Bombs have in Common?
They’re more dangerous than you know.
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On the Battlefield
Imagine for a minute, you’re a soldier kitted out in the latest military hardware and heading into a battlefield. Your face is painted with greaseproof crayons to break up the shape of your head. Your clothes are rugged and expertly designed to repel water and stand up to all kinds of weather.
Your weapons are just as refined with every kind of advanced design to help you rain destruction on everything you set in your crosshairs.
What you don’t know is that almost everything you have on and equipped with are simultaneously killing you and the planet in turn.
Just to start you thinking about it, ask yourself these questions: How do we make things rugged? How important is waterproof clothing? How useful is it to keep weapons lubricated and functional in hostile environments? We’ll come back to this, for now keep it at the back of your mind.
In the Garden
My wife hates that I keep worms. Not the visceral instinctive hate we reserve for snakes and other dangerous animals. She just doesn’t want to be…