
Who are the Heroes fighting against Putin’s War?

It’s not who you think. Analyzing the problem through the lens of story

6 min readOct 11, 2022


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

In most heroic narratives, there’s a similar underlying structure that underpins events. A state of good fortune exists which is upset by a threatening figure. Think Darth Vader wanting to rule the Galaxy.

The threatening figure creates a problem/s which inspires forces of resistance (in Star Wars, it’s simply called The Resistance) — their encounter with the problem and the forces it controls, creates complications, crises, and climaxes which ultimately resolve the problem and nullifies the threat.

It’s how we defeated Hitler for example or how the biblical battle of Armageddon is supposed to unfold, with the Holy Host and the saved, resisting the forces of Darkness and the people and institutions it controls.

Notice that I’m speaking about both fiction and real life yet? Vader and Hitler have parallels because we frame our narratives along similar lines. Art imitates life, but life can also inspire art and the foundations of the stories we tell are the same, both in life and art.

If you look at any human narrative, you can find a predictable structure. In ‘Stealing fire from the Gods’, James Bonnett




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